Fascinating Friday Feature – The Funniest Review

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by Linore Rose Burkard The Funniest Review: Thoughts on Reading and Readers All writers know that book reviews can be wonderful, maddening, or anything in between. One day, early in my writing career, I received an unexpectedly comical “review” for my first book, Before the Season Ends. A young lady came to me at church gushing about how she loved it and had lent it to a friend before school began earlier that week. She went on to relate how her friend had started it in homeroom, instantly loved it, and proceeded to read all day—all 310 pages—so that she’d…

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Book Review: I Love You to the Stars – When Grandma Forgets, Love Remembers

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I Love You to the Stars — When Grandma Forgets, Love Remembers is a new picture book published by Kregel Publishing. Inspired by a true story, a young boy enjoys having his grandma and her dog live with them. Soon Grandma gets forgetful and needs to live in another home, but the love they have for each other remains the same.   And here’s a review reprinted with permission from Xochitl Dixon: In Crystal Bowman’s I Love You to the Stars, readers are introduced to a close-knit family facing the heart-breaking decline of a loved one who suffers from dementia. Bowman’s gentle tone…

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Book Reviews-A Waltz for Amber & Pursuing Gold

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Happy Autumnal Equinox! As a Washingtonian transplanted in Texas, let’s just say this is my FAVORITE time of year (even though it will feel like summer for another month…it’s the promise of things to come when the season changes). There’s just something about a nip in the air and –yes, I’ll admit it–a Pumpkin Spiced Latte that make me feel like I’m getting a cozy hug from my heavenly Father 🙂 And the bonus? BOOTS! We have some excellent reviews for your cozy fall reading, A Waltz for Amber by Kimberly Rose Johnson and Pursuing Gold by Cynthia L. Simmons. Posted…

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Awards & Book Reviews!

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Jane S Daly recently attended the Oregon Christian Writer’s (OCW) annual summer conference. Each year, OCW encourages writers to submit their work for the annual Cascade Awards. The submissions are narrowed down into three finalists in the twenty-two categories. She was honored to receive an award in unpublished contemporary fiction for The Girl in the Cardboard Box, and for published nonfiction, The Caregiving Season. Congratulations, Jane! **********   Baker Revell author, Linda Evans Shepherd, was named Writer of the Year by the 34th annual Greater Philadelphia Christian Writer’s conference, not only for her many bestselling books, but because as Marlene…

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Whispers on the Prairie book review

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Whispers on the Prairie by Vickie McDonough Review By Lena Nelson Dooley, Co-founder & President of DFW Ready Writers, Author, Speaker, Radio Host A City Girl Far from Home… Sarah Marshall never wanted to leave Chicago and head west on a wagon train bound for the New Mexico Territory, but she wasn’t given a choice. The rugged trail is no place for her ailing aunt—and tending oxen and gathering buffalo chips is no job for a sophisticated young woman. All Sarah wants is to see her aunt safely to Santa Fe, and then she plans to return home to the…

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Getting Your Book Reviewed Online by Jill Williamson

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Your publisher will likely submit your book for review to some people and magazines. Just because they do doesn’t mean everyone will review it. It also doesn’t mean every review posted will be a positive one. That’s the nature of book reviews. So why bother? Because people notice. Maybe some people read online reviews. Maybe they don’t. But most people notice whether a book has 0, 15, or 400 book reviews. And that tells a potential reader something right away. It tells them whether or not people are reading the book.

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CAN Book Review by Diana Brandmeyer: Deadly Exposure by Cara Putman

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T.V. news Reporter, Dani Richards moves to Lincoln, Nebraska to care for her Aunt Jayne who has Alzheimer's. Taking her aunt to see Cats, Dani prays she won't see Caleb Jamison, the man who stole her sixteen-year-old heart. Not only does she see him, she has to work with him when she discovers a dead body at the theater. Caleb is on the police force and is assigned to keep Dani safe, but can he protect her heart from him? Deadly Exposure is a page turner. It was a delight to read a suspense novel that doesn't go into grisly…

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CAN Book Review: A Distant Melody by Sarah Sundin

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 A DISTANT MELODY by Sarah Sundin  Review by Carla Stewart Publisher: Revell; Original edition (March 1, 2010)  ISBN-13: 978-0800734213   Once in a while a book comes along that wraps its arms around you and so enchants you that you don’t want to the story to end. Sarah Sundin’s debut novel, A Distant Melody, is one of those books. At the height of WWII, a chance meeting brings Allie Miller and Walt Novak together, but Allie’s upcoming marriage, arranged by her wealthy parents, and Walt’s dispatch to pilot a B-17 bomber from an airbase in England, halts the romance before…

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