Seven Tips for Great Travel

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“No way,” I said to the lady across the counter at the airport, “that bag has my make-up. Isn’t that crazy? When I was told my bags took their own trip to a different location, I panicked. Not worried about my clothes, books or material for the presentation, I was fretting for my make-up. Why are we that way? Why do we allow our muscles to stiffen over silly things? We fret about the glitches that really don’t matter that much.

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Different Routes – Same Destination

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Hi, Ava Pennington here, with an observation about the routes we take in our writing. One of the most helpful gifts I’ve received is a GPS for my car. Helpful, because if there’s a way to get lost, I’ll find it. So I’m dependent on that little voice that says, “In fifty yards, turn right.” When I program my GPS for a long trip, I’ve noticed that it often gives me options. I can avoid toll roads, but the trip may take longer. I can choose the shortest route, but it may cost more. I can travel by freeway or…

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