Three Ways to Beat the Writer Blues

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Hi Everyone, it’s Judith Couchman. My assignment for this year focuses on blogging about writing: technique; practical pointers, encouragement, and such. I hope this helps you on the writing journey. Some people call it writer’s block. I call it writer blues. You just can’t face that writing project today, or tomorrow, or next week.  Or you can’t think of a stunning idea. But a deadline looms, and you need a boost. A host of suggestions can help you get unstuck. But rather than overload your brain and schedule, I’m offering a few that work for me.

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The Prayer Warrior: The Syrophoenician Woman

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Hello! It’s Kathy Collard Miller from the Southern Californian desert in the Palm Springs area. From Matthew 15:21-28 and Mark 7:24-30, we learn about the Syrophoenician woman who truly represents a prayer warrior. Her request is dire for her and her daughter. What’s amazing is she is a Gentile. In this account, Jesus goes to the region of Tyre and Sidon, on the Mediterranean coast. This is the only time Scripture indicates Jesus left the land of Israel. Just as he had to go through Samaria to meet the needy woman at the well, so he needs to leave his…

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Adopted as a Full Daughter

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Greetings from Kathy Collard Miller in the Southern California desert near Palm Springs. Imagine that you’re an orphan in a children’s home, desperately wanting to be adopted. One miraculous day a family arrives, they point to you, and say, “We want that child.” You cry with gratitude as the papers are signed and notarized. You climb into the car with your new family. It’s finally happened. You belong! When you arrive at your new home, you’re astonished at how large it is. They show you a bedroom and it’s beautiful. “A room to myself?” you ask. They confirm it’s true. That…

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Five Ways to Keep Your Brain Healthy and Avoid Dementia

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“Nutty with a Dash of Meat” Jeanette Levellie here, with five ways to keep your brain healthy and circumvent future trouble. No matter your age or current mental state, you can avoid and fight dementia and Alzheimer’s disease The Alzheimer’s Association recommends four simple ways to circumvent these demonic maladies, and I have added one of my own: 

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Growing Pains

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By Dianne Barker It’s Dianne Barker with reflections on growing pains. Looking back, many of us recall stages of awkwardness as we left childhood for adolescence and then adulthood, each phase bringing growth and change. After a few stumbles, we got our footing and moved ahead, walking in confidence. The process is much like our faith journey—stages and stumbles as we learn and grow. I’m thinking of 2 Peter 3:18. “Grow in grace (undeserved favor, spiritual strength) and recognition and knowledge and understanding of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ (the Messiah)…” (The Amplified Bible).

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The Infamous Cereal Caper

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Greetings from Kathy Collard Miller from the Southern California desert near Palm Springs. For two-and-a-half years, my mother-in-law, Audrey, lived with Larry and I. God used that time to purify our motives and develop greater selflessness. Audrey suffered from Lewy-Body Dementia, which caused her to be paranoid and have delusions and hallucinations. It was a difficult time where we learned to slow down our reactions and work through what was really motivating us. I, Kathy, remember one morning Audrey was eating her bran cereal. Every morning I had to soak the cereal in milk for at least thirty minutes to make it…

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An Opportunity Is Not Necessarily God’s Open Door

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Hello from Kathy Collard Miller in the Southern California desert where it actually can get cold! As I visited with my friend who complained about everything going on in her life and all she felt compelled to do, I could sense she expected me to volunteer to help. My heart went out to her but I’d really been seeking God’s will rather than responding to every need of others. It took every fiber of my trust in God to not offer to take some of the load from her, but in my heart, I knew God wasn’t calling me to this…

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Yes! Have the Breakfast Too!

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Hello from Kathy Collard Miller in the Southern California desert where it’ll soon be cooler weather! “Mommy, I’m ready to go over to Irene’s!” I cried out. I had my pajamas and toothbrush! It was going to be my first overnighter at my best friend, Irene’s house, across the street. I could hardly contain my excitement. I felt like such a big girl to be able to spend the night at someone’s house. A big step for a first-grader! My mother accompanied me across the street and Irene and I had a great time that evening. We didn’t go to…

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Surprise Encounter In An Airport

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Hello from Kathy Collard Miller in the Southern California desert where it’s starting to cool down! Some time ago I was waiting in the airport for my connecting flight, minding my own business while enjoying reading a novel. I looked up and noticed a small food counter nearby where a woman was serving customers. I continued reading when unexpectedly the Lord’s still small voice within my heart whispered, “Go talk to that woman behind the counter about Me.” My reaction was unfortunately one that I usually make: “Oh, Lord, you know I don’t like doing things like this. Please! No!” I…

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