A Chat with Author Kathy Cassel

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Greetings from Sarah Sundin, still sheltering-in-place in California. Sigh. Today I have the joy of virtually escaping my cocoon in an interview with adventurous multi-published author Kathy Cassel. Kathy has lived all over the world as an Air Force wife, has adopted children from Haiti, and learned to scuba dive just so she could write a book! Kathy, please tell us about your new Young Adult book, Freerunner. Kia Scott uses freerunning to escape memories of the abuse she suffered at age six. When her abuser steps back into her life, things get out of control leaving her to choose…

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Tips from the Pros: Katrina Cassel

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Greetings from Sarah Sundin in California! Today I have the honor of interviewing scuba-diving, ukulele-playing author Katrina Cassel, who writes nonfiction for girls and preteens. Because if you write for children, you have to stay young at heart! Katrina, how did you get into writing? I always enjoyed writing but never thought it could be a career, so I went into teaching. But moving around with my Air Force husband meant trying to recertify in different states, so instead I worked more on my writing. Then with all the changes in education it was no longer “fun,” so I never…

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