Book Review: Raising Kids to Follow Christ by Lee Ann Mancini

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Description of Raising Kids to Follow Christ: Instilling a Lifelong Trust in God: Offering years of experience and countless success stories, author and parenting expert Lee Ann Mancini says what our children need is a heart change, not just a behavioral change, so that they become effective disciples. In Raising Kids to Follow Christ: Instilling a Lifelong Trust in God, she inspires parents, grandparents, teachers, and others to teach their children essential Christian principles to enable them to navigate the world with grace, integrity, and an unbreakable bond with their heavenly Father. This book goes beyond surface-level advice, delving into…

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Fascinating Friday Feature – The Hidden Stories Behind the Writing Journey

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by Lee Ann Mancini In the world of writing, each author has their own story behind the scenes, often hidden in theirdaily routines and unexpected sparks of inspiration. For me, it all starts bright and early at 5 am,with a hot cup of coffee, a conversation with God, my Bible in hand, and a deep dive intoresearch. Looking back on how it all began, my Sea Kids children’s books were born from the stories Imade up and told my kids to help them understand how God wanted them to deal with everydaysituations in life. Back then, I had no idea…

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2023 CAN Excellence in Marketing Awards: Second Place in Fiction Web Presence

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Next in a series of posts featuring the winners of the 2023 Christian Authors Network (CAN) Excellence in Marketing Awards. Lee Ann Mancini won second place in the fiction Web Presence category and describes her activities here. The 2024 marketing awards will open in November 2023. CAN members, please be thinking of how you can enter the awards. See the guidelines at Creating an Award-Winning Web Presence by Lee Ann Mancini Digital marketing is an integral, crucial tool for the successful growth and development of business today. With society’s intensifying reliance on technology for everything from ordering dinner via Uber…

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