Stories, Parables & Movie Scripts Basic screenplay writing excerpted from HOW TO SUCCEED IN HOLLYWOOD (WITHOUT LOSING YOUR SOUL) Part V The Premise

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A great story goes somewhere. It tells us something. That something is a premise. A poor story wanders about, gets lost and bores an audience. In a baseball game, the team with the most runs wins. You watch the game to see if the team that you like can get the most runs and win the game. Imagine how boring baseball would be if there was nothing to win: if “games” were like practice sessions where players just hit and fielded balls without a clear purpose. No one would want to pay to watch. A premise says, “To win, I…

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Story Part III: The Premise

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  Hi from Gail Gaymer Martin at – or visit my writing blog at  Writing is a lonely business and needs concentration, hard work, and constant honing. So as always it’s my pleasure to share some writing types with you. I’ve begun a series of blogs on Creating Story – and this is the third in the series. When developing story, premise is another factor that happens early in the planning as you build your story. Premise is hypothesis of your novel, the assumptions that come from the basic idea. From the way you build your story, readers…

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