Hola from Janet Perez Eckles…Igniting Your Passion to Overcome
Sometimes it might be tough, but it’s never too late to find the correct direction and head in the triumphant path for our ministry.
From time to time I ask myself why God chose to bless me with friends who don’t mind going out with me. What I mean is that heading out with a blind friend cannot be fun. Instead, it might be a chore as I need guidance and descriptions of many things.But even so, God smiles at me with many friends with patience and a sense of humor to deal with a variety of incidents, some even embarrassing.
We exit the car and before we head toward the restaurant, my friend extends her arm for me to hold on to. “Here, let’s go.” As we head forward, she tells me when approaching a step, a doorway, change of terrain and when we reach the table in a restaurant. We laugh, chat and have a great time. We do so because I know the three things I need to do: remain close enough to hold on to her arm, trust she will guide me correctly, and obey when she indicates to turn a certain direction in order to avoid smashing into obstacles.
That’s what blind people must do. But even if you have eyesight, you might be just like me—blind to what tomorrow holds. No one can see into the future, or know what waits at the turn of the next corner. We’re all walking blindly into our tomorrows.
And more than a tad foolish, we walk boldly on our own, trusting in our decisions, following what others do with their ministries, embracing the latest marketing guru’s path, and suddenly, slam! We hit the wall of disappointment and regret.
Stunned, we wonder what happened. The answer is simple, we failed to follow these three steps for the correct direction for our careers and ministries.
- Remain close to God. Close enough to be under His shadow and know His Word, to hear His guidance and to listen to His warnings. ”Show me favor, God, show me favor; for in you I have taken refuge. Yes, I will find refuge in the shadow of your wings until the storms have passed.” (Psalm 57:2-3)
- Trust that He will guide us in the correct path. Rather than our own wisdom or insight, we trust that He knows the best way, the safest route and the destination that will bring rewards rather than regrets. “Trust in the LORD with all your heart; and lean not unto your own understanding.” (Proverbs 3:5 )
- Obey His every instruction. Be courageous when afraid. Be bold when feeling doubtful. Be certain when unsure. “If you are willing and obedient, you will eat the best from the land…” (Isaiah 1:19)
- What direction is your ministry going?
- Whose instructions are you following?
- How will you find the correct direction for your ministry?

Contagious Courage by Janet Perez Eckles
Before Janet Perez Eckles became an international speaker, No. 1 Amazon best-selling author, life coach, master interpreter, and radio host, she faced complete blindness at 31 and endured other devastating tragedies.
And because of God’s grace, her days shine with victory, success and joy. This triumph translates into the empowerment and transformational message she imparts in her books and her presentations internationally before thousands. Want to know more? Here’s a 2-minute video for you to enjoy. And please visit Janet’s website.
Janet’s newest book: Contagious Courage: A 30-Day Journey to Overcoming Stress and Anxiety. You can get it by Janet’s Website. Look for the link on the right.