Sarah Sundin
Greetings from Sarah Sundin in California! If you attend any writers’ conferences in northern California, you’re sure to meet Jane Daly. Her brilliant smile and energetic personality make everyone feel welcome. I was thrilled when Jane joined CAN recently, and it’s an honor to introduce one of our newest members.

Jane S. Daly
Jane, how did you get into writing? How many books do you have published?
As of September 1, I will have published two books. The first one was released in February of 2015, Because of Grace: A Mother’s Journey from Grief to Hope. This latest one is The Caregiving Season: Finding Grace to Honor your Aging Parents.
My plan was to write fiction. Then my son became ill and died a year later. I was encouraged by an acquisitions editor to write my story. I’d journaled all through his illness and after his death, so much of the book’s content came from my journals.
After a few rejections, I pitched to a small publishing house and was awarded a contract. (You can’t see me jumping up and down here as I remember the rush of getting a real book contract).
I immediately started working on a second book about baby boomers caring for their elderly parents. This was also written from personal experience. I was blessed to be able to pitch it to Focus on the Family, and they loved it. Voila!—second book contract. And an advance! I was a real author now!

The Caregiving Season by Jane S. Daly
I love how God can work through our tragedies and bring good out of them. How did you get your first book contract?
I won an award at a writers’ conference for my fiction one-sheet. The prize was to pitch to an editor. She wasn’t all that interested in my novel, but she really wanted to hear about my manuscript about my son’s death. She was the one who acquired it.
What has helped you promote your books the most?
I talk to a lot of people, and I listen. Then I let them know I’ve written a book(s) and tell them where they can buy it. Many times I just give a book to a grieving mother. It’s become a ministry and a blessing.
What a wonderful thing to do. What mistakes or wrong assumptions did you make with the marketing of your first book? Did those mistakes cause you to change?
I’m still working through the marketing aspect. Kind of hard to market a book on losing a child.
For this second book on caregiving, I blog every week and use Facebook and Twitter to encourage followers to click on the link to the blog.
What are your top tips for writers with their first book contract?
Enjoy the moment. Bask in the wonderful feelings of success. Then get back to writing!
Amen! Thank you for sharing with us, Jane!
To learn more about Jane and her books, please visit Jane’s website and Jane’s blog.
Writing for Him,
Sarah Sundin
Lynne M Feuerstein
September 8, 2016 - 18 : 00 : 40Thank you Jane for this interview! You’re a wonderful inspiration to all of those who have lost loved ones (Sorry about the loss you experienced) Thank you for reminding us of God’s love.