Today, we live in a society where everyone seems to think they should be in charge. The easy access to technology makes everyone feel like their unresearched opinion is as important as any expert who might have spent his or her life studying and preparing to serve and help society. We have a selfie society and a rising rate of narcissism. The vast population have crowned themselves king.
In 7 Simple Skills for Every Woman: Success in Keeping It All Together, I suggest that:
Before we can be a great leader, we must first learn to be a great follower.
I often share with my mentees the illustration of a turtle on the fence post. I ask,”If you see a turtle on the fence post what should you ask?”
Usually one will say, “How did it get there?”
“Exactly. Turtles can’t climb. I am giving you this turtle to place on your desk as a reminder of these verses:
Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time. (1 Peter 4:6)
Pride comes before destruction, and an arrogant spirit before a fall. (Proverbs 16:18)”
It is God who puts us in places of leadership to SERVE others as we lead them. If we fail to keep that humble attitude of kneeling before our Creator, and bending our will to God’s plan and path, then God will allow our own arrogant spirit to take its course– and likely we will be the makers of our own demise and the destruction.
One vivid Bible example is King Saul who was given a specific command by God to follow– but instead he thought his own idea was better. God wasn’t going to put up with that arrogant, “I am my own boss” attitude. He sent the prophet Samuel to speak the truth to the King:
“…Look: to obey is better than sacrifice...” (1 Samuel 15:22
“For rebellion is like the sin of divination, and defiance is like wickedness and idolatry. Because you have rejected the word of the LORD, He has rejected you as king.” (1 Samuel 15:23 )
God soon replaced Samuel with David, “..a man after God’s own heart” as king.
I appreciate my friend, San Rima’s (and Gary McIntosh’s) book Overcoming the Darkside of Leadership because it explains that just as our leadership grows, so does our own propensity for destruction. If we fail to be humble, and address our weaknesses and try to just cover over them with an arrogant and haughty spirit, our fall off the platform will be imminent.
I, for one, need to keep that turtle on my desk as a reminder: CHOOSE HUMILITY
Want to join God’s “turtle” club?

7 Simple Skills for Every Woman by Pam Farrel
Pam Farrel is a very “grateful-to-God” leader, and the author of 45 books that she
sees as a pure miracle of God. Join Pam in a study of 7 Simple Skills for Every Woman. To learn more about Pam’s online studies or having her speak for your group, contact
Dr. MaryAnn Diorio
July 1, 2018 - 05 : 17 : 58Thank you, Pam, for this excellent reminder to remain humble before God. We are nothing without Him, and our true power lies in total dependence on Him.
Blessings to you, dear sister in Christ!