Greetings from Sarah Sundin! Today I have the joy of interviewing Diane Stortz, a bestselling author of devotionals, Bible study guides, and numerous books for children!
Welcome, Diane! Please tell us about your book, Say & Pray Easter Sticker and Activity Book.

For ages 3-6, this 32-page activity book incorporates mazes, matching, finish-the-picture, tracing, coloring, counting, and more—40 activities in all—PLUS over 100 stickers! Children help to tell the Easter story—from Jesus’ teaching and healing ministry through His death, burial, resurrection, ascension, and His reign today—as they complete the activities page by page.
It looks absolutely darling! Why did you write this book?
The publisher of my popular Say & Pray Bible suggested it. They believe it will meet a need and be welcomed by families looking for a biblical, age-appropriate introduction to Easter for their preschoolers.
What was your greatest challenge in writing this book?
Developing the activities, for sure, and incorporating so many stickers. I needed to balance the types of activities for great variety plus make each activity meaningful. My editor helped me think imaginatively and sent me back to revise a few spots several times!
I kind of want to do the activities myself . . . Did you find any part of this book difficult to write?
Some parts of the story of Jesus’ last week can’t be truly comprehended by young children. Finding ways to write truthfully yet gently is always important, and difficult.
Any parent or Sunday-school teacher can relate! On the flip side, what’s your favorite section of the book?
I just really love how children get to participate in telling the Easter story as they go through the book. Activities like leading the disciples and a donkey through a maze to Jesus for His ride into Jerusalem, counting the plates at the Last Supper, or adding stickers to finish a picture of Jesus on Easter morning give kids a “we were there” feel. I’m also happy with how we ended the story. Jesus rules our hearts from heaven and hears us when we pray.
Beautiful theme! Do you have any themes you return to again and again in your writing?
Psalm 78:4 says, “We will . . . tell to the coming generation the glorious deeds of the Lord, and his might, and the wonders that he has done.” And Paul wrote to Timothy, “Continue in what you have learned and have firmly believed, knowing from whom you learned it and how from childhood you have been acquainted with the sacred writings, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus” (2 Timothy 3:14-15). My goal has always been helping children (and their parents) know God by knowing His Word.
What would be your ideal writing place? And … what’s your actual writing place like?
Ideally I would write on a sun-kissed balcony overlooking an ocean beach. My actual space? For about fifteen years one room of our home was my office, with a big desk and a big window facing our backyard. In 2019 we did some renovating and turned my office into a bedroom/playroom for visiting grandkids. Now I have a bookcase and a small Ikea desk on one side of my bedroom.
Tell us about your most touching moment with a reader.
As a former POM (parents of missionaries), I understand the challenges, joys, and heartaches of those who send out children and grandchildren for the gospel. My first book, Parents of Missionaries: How to Thrive and Survive When Your Children and Grandchildren Serve Cross-Culturally (coauthored, 2008) remains the primary published POM resource. I often hear from current POMs about how it has helped them or that they’ve recommend the book to others.
I love this! Do you have any other ministries you’re involved in?
Last year I helped lead a women’s read-through-the-Bible-in-a-year group, which I’ve done with other groups several times before. Discussing our insights and questions together is always a wonderful experience.
Everyone struggles with time management in our 24/7 world. How do you stay disciplined and meet your deadlines?
Well, I’ve always been more of a go-with-the-flow kind of person, doing whatever needs doing when the time for doing it felt right. I don’t necessarily recommend this! But I’ve also written on a couch in the ICU with my husband hooked up to all kinds of tubes and wires. (I did need a one-month deadline extension that time!)
Wow! That takes extreme discipline and dedication. Thank you for sharing with us, Diane!
To learn more about Diane and her books, please visit her website at https://www.dianestortz.com/ and her blog at https://www.dianestortz.com/blog/ .
Writing for Him,
Sarah Sundin
Sarah’s website: https://www.sarahsundin.com/
Mindy Baker
March 11, 2023 - 18 : 42 : 04Loved reading this interview for the inside scoop!