Welcome, readers. Davalynn Spencer here, inviting you to sit back and enjoy today’s interview with author Lorraine Bossé-Smith.
Lorraine, give us the back-cover copy for your featured book, Defy Your Diagnosis: Overcome Any Obstacle with the FIT Life Formula.

Facing an adversity? Been knocked down? Hurting beyond words? Are you prayed out? You aren’t alone! Lorraine Bossé-Smith has been there. With her FIT Life Formula, get ready to change crisis into creative opportunities, convert defeats into successes, turn frustration into fulfillment, and transform victimhood to victory!
Wow, Lorraine – I love “change crisis into creative opportunities.” Could that very challenge have been what motivated you to write this book?
I was diagnosed with two incurable diseases at different times in my life, and my great Physician healed me! I spoke on the topic for years, and countless people told me I needed to put my story in a book. I began the process but was timid. God kept prompting me to be bold. He did, however, heal me. I was scared that I would come across like my life was perfect and great because my prayers were answered. Quite the opposite is true as I have had to go through much pain and suffering to overcome the obstacles. Finally, I submitted to God’s push, and titled the book as He requested: Defy Your Diagnosis: Overcome Any Obstacle with the FIT Life Formula. I couldn’t have gone through what I did without God, and this is His message to all: with Him, all things are possible.
What would you say is the key you want readers to find?
By sharing all the challenges I have faced, my hope is readers will resonate with some aspect of my story and find encouragement to stay in the fight. I survived and became a victor by developing and using my FIT Life Formula: A foundation in faith, insights into personal improvement and tackling the tough stuff. The principles aren’t pie-in-the-sky ideas but rather real ways to walk through the fire and come out the other side. This book isn’t just about medical issues but all disappointments, setbacks, hurts, wounds and difficult times. It inspires hope while encouraging change that will transform lives.
Did your greatest challenge come in writing this book or in preparing for it?
As I began writing, God immediately gave me the title, but I wasn’t brave enough to use it. After three years of struggling to finish, I finally submitted, and the book was completed in two weeks. God wanted me to be bold and truthful about what happened in my life, and I didn’t grasp the significance of this until the COVID-19 pandemic hit. When Defy Your Diagnosis released in April of 2020, I knew God had orchestrated the timing in order to offer great hope in unprecedented times.
Do you find it easy to share Christ in your writing?
I have lived through more than my fair share of traumas, painful events, broken relationships and illness. Through all of it, I knew God was with me and wanted me to share my experiences and faith in Him with others. I cannot tell you about my life without talking about how Jesus is at the center of it all! I wouldn’t even be here if He hadn’t healed me…twice.
Has being a writer impacted your relationship with Christ?
I lost my earthly father when I was the tender age of thirteen. Shortly afterwards, I found my Heavenly Father and accepted Jesus Christ as my Savior. I was filled with an array of emotions. People who see me on stage don’t believe this, but I was once very shy and quiet. I preferred processing and sharing feelings through the written (typed) word. Honestly, I still feel more comfortable doing that today. My writing is one form of communication with God, and during the worst of times, I have written like the wind! God gave me this gift, and His gift brings me closer to Him. I love my quiet time in devotions and prayer life, but when I write, it is like He is moving my fingers on the keyboard. It’s a closeness I treasure.
Are there any other reasons you love writing?
I love how expressive and creative writing can be. Some people paint while others sing. I write. From poems, inspirational messages, to marketing copy, blogs and books, I love letting God’s creativity flow through me. I know writing can be difficult for some, but I have always found putting thoughts together and down on paper easy. God gives us each unique gifts and talents, and I am grateful for the ability to write. My hope and prayer as a writer is that God’s message is heard loud and clear…that readers are encouraged, inspired and transformed. May my life be a witness that we are not alone, and with God’s help, we can defy ANY diagnosis.
When did you first recognize God’s call to write for Him?
As soon as I could hold a pencil, I started writing. God began speaking to me and providing words to put on paper at a very young age. For many years, I believed these poems, inspirational stories and blogs were just for me. Around 2004, God nudged me to step into the world of getting published so I might share His words of encouragement with others. My first book was published (A Healthier, Happier You: 101 Ways to Lessen Stress), and now I just released number nine: Defy Your Diagnosis: Overcome Any Obstacle with the FIT Life Formula.
With this prolific gift, do you also have a “day job” or a previous career? Do either impact your writing?
When my mother died in 1997, I was unemployed. As I sought employment, God spoke to me and said, “I don’t want you placing your faith in a company; I want you to trust Me.” Shortly after, my phone rang three times with new clients. I wasn’t even in business for myself yet but took this as God’s way of pushing me into self-employment, which scared me to death! I’ve been on my knees ever since. At first, I offered marketing services, which allowed me to use my creative writing skills. Later on, I developed training curriculum where my story-telling was put to use to teach tangibles to those in corporate settings. I found myself being asked to speak for larger audiences, and speaking on stage was a natural fit for me as a writer…the delivery just changed. Motivational speaking challenged me to improve my story-sharing in my writing, and they both work well together. I love them both.
What about pets? Do you have any that inspire your writing or hinder it?
My difficult life prevented me from having children, so my fur babies are my kids. They each have their own personality, and we have much to learn from their unconditional love. I inherited my mom’s cat, Wuz, when she passed, and what a character he was…so much that I wrote a children’s book about him. I have yet to get it picked up but would love to bring these rhyming stories with moral lessons to the masses. The series is called Cat Tales, and they are a fun way to share how not to be afraid or how to be a big sister or brother…all through Wuz, a chocolate-point Himalayan cat.
With such an interesting life, do you have activities or passions outside of writing?
Besides speaking and writing, I love being active, especially outdoors: hiking, snow shoeing, playing tennis, running and biking. Since getting my dog, Kuma, 13 years ago, outdoor adventures have taken on a new meaning, and I’ve been writing about them. Kuma has his own blog (Kuma’s Adventures) on my website in addition to being on Facebook (Kuma the dog) and Instagram (Kumaito dog). What fun I have had blending together my love of the outdoors with my dog and writing it through his eyes and voice. He has a very different personality than me, and readers just adore him. Truth be told, he is the celebrity of the family. I’ll be on a hiking trail, and someone in the distance will yell out, “Kuma, is that you? Hey buddy! I love your latest article.” Yes, I am just the pooper-scooper and photographer apparently. I have pitched a book for families that shares all the adventures, how to get there, what to plan for, what to do and lots of pictures but haven’t found a home for it yet. I dream of the day when we can get this published.
Thank you for sharing your trials, challenges, and adventures with us, Lorraine.
For more about Lorraine (and Kuma) check out Lorraine’s website and blog.
May all that you read be uplifting.