Greetings from Sarah Sundin in California! Today I have the pleasure of interviewing one of our newest CAN members, Yvonne M. Morgan, who writes both nonfiction and children’s books.
Welcome, Yvonne! Please tell us about your book, Finding Faith, Hope, and Love in a Broken World.

We live in a broken, sin-filled world that desperately needs Christ. Many people desperately search in all the wrong places to fill the void. As Christians, we have what they seek. Our faith, hope, and love can be a beacon in the darkness that guides them to Christ.
What inspired you to write this book?
I really wanted to do a Bible study and after much prayer I decided to do an in-depth look at the importance of 1 Corinthians 13:13 for our modern times. With so much chaos happening around us, I think the world really needs to hear about our Christian faith, hope, and love. These are the elements that can really change the world.
We could certainly use more faith, hope, and love in this world! Tell us some more.
Through this book, I hope to show the importance of sharing our faith during these difficult times. Many people desperately search in all the wrong places to fill the void they feel. As Christians, we have what they seek. Let’s share our faith with them and change our communities for the better. 1 Corinthians 13:13: “Three things will last forever—faith, hope, and love—and the greatest of these is love.”
What do you hope readers will take away from this book?
I hope each reader will learn why it is so important to share our faith with others and how each of us has a God-given story to share. Those stories can help change someone’s life for the better. Also, each chapter contains a series of questions to help you personalize the information.
Great idea! How do you share Christ in your writing?
Having witnessed the power of prayer in my own life, I like to shares stories of trusting the Lord and watching Christ in action. I want my books to provide help to those who are struggling in their journey with Christ.
How has being a writer impacted your relationship with Christ?
It has deepened that relationship greatly. As I prepare for each new book, I do a lot of research and in-depth Bible studies. This has opened my eyes to a deeper understanding of the messages of the Bible. And the more I study, the more I want to be in the word of God. It has really blessed me.
That’s fantastic! When did you first recognize God’s call to write for Him?
After many years of mission work, I felt God nudge me to write about them. At first, I thought this was my ego talking to me, so I asked God for a confirmation of His message. But I never told anyone about this thought. About a month later, my husband asked me out of the blue how my book was coming along. After crying and explaining all of this to my husband, he said, “I guess you are writing a book.” So I did and have kept on writing for Him.
I love how God works! And speaking of God at work, what ministries are you involved in?
My writing came after years of mission work. I started a non-profit that cares for orphans in Myanmar and Nepal. And I still travel to our orphanages to visit with the children when possible.
I also speak at women’s conferences. I have been blessed to speak locally and internationally in Myanmar and Kenya.
I love to be the hands and feet of Christ to the world. Each new adventure allows me to see Christ in action and I come home more blessed by these experiences.
Do you have a “day job” or a previous career? Does it influence what or how you write?
I spent almost thirty years in the accounting world for my previous career. I retired several years ago. Writing allowed me to escape from the black-and-white world of numbers so I am thoroughly enjoy using the more creative side of my brain.
As a former pharmacist, I relate. Speaking of creativity, what’s your favorite bookstore—and why?
It’s located here, in Oklahoma City. It is called Full Circle Bookstore. They have reading nooks with fireplaces (for the colder weather days). They have the old-fashioned ladders that you can move around to reach some sections of books. I love it because it feels so cozy and inviting.
That sounds delightful! Other than reading and writing, what are your hobbies or activities or passions?
I love to travel and have since I was a young child. So far, God has allowed me to visit 49 countries. And each time I visit somewhere new, I realize how we are all part of the kingdom of God. Even though we have many differences in cultures, we are still brothers and sisters in Christ. I love worshipping with locals in other countries too. It blesses me to watch them and to know that we will all be together in heaven someday.
So true! Now, with all that on your table, what’s next for you? Please tell us about your next project.
Coming soon! My contemporary Christian women’s fiction book called Gypsy of God. Can a fifty-year-old woman find her purpose in a new career and family changes? Or is there more to life?
Sounds intriguing! Thank you for sharing with us, Yvonne!
To learn more about Yvonne and her books, please visit Yvonne’s website and Yvonne’s blog.
Writing for Him,
Sarah Sundin