Greetings from Sarah Sundin in California! Today we have the pleasure of chatting with multi-published, award-winning novelist Elizabeth Ludwig! Her mysteries and historical romances thrill her readers, and I know you’ll love getting to know her better.
Welcome, Elizabeth! Please tell us about your book, A Tempting Taste of Mystery.
Cheryl Cooper is excited when the town of Sugarcreek holds a pie contest fundraiser and she is invited to judge. But when contestants start dropping from the competition like flies and rumors of foul play arise, Cheryl is compelled to expose the culprit.

A Tempting Taste of Mystery by Elizabeth Ludwig
What inspired you to write this book?
I’m a huge fan of Agatha Christie. One of my favorite books is And Then There Were None. I loved the premise and was so shocked by the resolution…which I won’t ruin in case you’ve never read this A-MAZE-ING book. LOL! Anyway, I thought it might be fun to use that same premise with a slightly different twist—make it into a pie contest!
How fun! That’s my favorite Agatha Christie too. What is the primary focus of your book?
My main character, Priscilla Grant, is recently widowed, which is the main reason she was compelled to venture into her new life on Martha’s Vineyard. My focus for this book was to show that God always has a plan and purpose for us, no matter what stage of life we’re in! As Priscilla learns this lesson, her confidence in herself grows…and so does her faith in God.
What themes do you return to again and again in your writing?
Forgiveness is always a theme in my writing, even when I don’t intend it to be. I think it’s because I am so very thankful for the forgiveness Jesus has shown to me, and continues to show me every day. And in an odd turnaround, several of my books are all about learning to forgive God for those times when our lives do not turn out the way we expected. They are about learning to trust Him again when tragedy strikes, or when dreams go unfulfilled and prayers go unanswered.
Such an important lesson! What would be your ideal writing place? And…what’s your actual writing place like?
Ideally, I would retreat to a lakeside cabin. No TV. No Internet. No phone. My actual writing place isn’t a cabin, but it’s also not too bad. I call it my Red Chair. Everyone knows to leave me alone when I’m in my Red Chair. LOL!
And that’s an important lesson for a writer’s family! What is one thing about writing that you wish non-writers knew?
Writing is hard. Like…really, really hard. I don’t just sit down and whip out 90,000 words. Sometimes it’s painstaking and personal, and it feels like I’m exposing bits of my own hurt and history. Other times, it’s inconvenient. Once, I spent Christmas morning writing at 4:00am so I could get in my word count before everyone woke up. But most of all, it’s an honor. I don’t discount the privilege it is that readers take time out of their own busy schedules to read MY words. What a humbling thought!
Do you have an unfulfilled dream?
This is going to sound so ungrateful, because I have been blessed with so much…but I would love, love, love to see one of my books turned into a movie. Oh my!! What a dream come true to see my characters come to life in a Hallmark movie!
What are your hobbies or activities or passions outside of writing?
Well, let’s see…aside from reading and writing, I love to ski and I have a ridiculous number of dogs. Someday, I’ll write a book about my life and call it Downhill Dachshunds: Keeping up with the Pack. LOL! I wonder if I could find a publisher for that…On second thought, maybe I should make it a children’s book.
That would be an adorable book! Tell us about your next project.
I’m so excited to be working on another series for Guideposts called Mysteries of Martha’s Vineyard. My book, titled Don’t Rock the Boat, features lead character Priscilla Grant settling into her new life on Martha’s Vineyard. Though she’s still learning the culture, she no longer feels like a stranger. But when a suitcase washes up onto the shore outside her lighthouse, she wonders if there’s more in store for her in Misty Harbor than just a change of scene. Intrigued by the suitcase and its mysterious contents, Priscilla begins a quest to find the owner. As the clues draw her closer to the truth, Priscilla realizes life in her little town could turn out to be anything but quiet.
Thank you for sharing with us, Elizabeth!
To learn more about Elizabeth’s books, please visit Elizabeth’s website or her blog, The Borrowed Book.
Writing for Him,
Sarah Sundin