Want to get to know an author near you? Linda W. Yezak will be in person at the Galveston Island Book Festival.

Linda W. Yezak
Linda W. Yezak of Nacogdoches, Texas will be participating in the upcoming Galveston Island Book Festival, an opportunity for Texas authors to meet and greet their readers and hopefully gain some new ones. The event will take place Saturday, March 24, 2018, in the Ball High School Cafeteria (its new location, since Hurricane Harvey destroyed the originally planned site), 4501 Avenue O, Galveston, Texas, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Linda W. Yezak
Looking for great parenting tips, Sarah Hamaker has a new parenting blog!

Sarah Hamaker
Sarah Hamaker has a new blog on Patheos called,
Some Assembly Required: Raising Self-Reliant and Confident Children. http://www.patheos.com/blogs/someassemblyrequired
Sarah Hamaker
Certified Leadership Parenting Coach/Freelance Writer
Author of Ending Sibling Rivalry, available now
2015 ACFW Genesis Winner, Romantic Suspense category