Mary’s Monday Musings on Encouraging words by Mary Tatem
The hotel was amazing. With its size, extravagant lobbies, chandeliers, and shiny stair rails, the establishment reeked money. One can only imagine what a night there would cost. But the staff was lovely, not an ounce of exclusiveness in evidence. A night’s lodging or a dinner in one of the several restaurants might cost a mint, but a dish of ice cream was reasonable and a cup of tea affordable. Both were served with elegance and thoughtfulness as if we were as ritzy as the overnight guests.

Crafting encouraging words can be as simple as a cup of tea, but as special as if it were served in a ritzy teahouse.
Does God enjoy dropping unexpected treats like that on his people? We are His children, and I think He likes to give us surprising and undeserved blessings because He loves us even more than we love our children. As parents, we don’t want our children to expect such experiences and consider them their right, but we love to provide sweet treats occasionally. God relishes surprising us with special delights.
Let’s keep our eyes open so we recognize His blessing and thank Him when He supplies the unexpected and undeserved treat. Keep your eyes open to see Him at work in your writing, or your business, as well as your family. Thank Him for both the amazing and the mundane blessing. He is the author of both. A letter to a shut in is as important an accomplishment for an author as a best-selling book. When we awake each morning, ask Him to allow us to use our skills to bless people—be they organizing skills, creating skills, or simply a word of encouragement.
Mary Tatem is the author of eight books, including her most recent re-release, The Quilt of Life.