Marketing Tips From Cheri Cowell

Blogging is a great way to connect to your readers. Blog readers tend to be your most loyal readers so follow these tips to get more out of your blogging. You may gain more readers in the process.

  1. Set a blog schedule you can maintain. If it is once a month, that is great. But don’t say you will blog twice weekly and then not follow through. Consistency is more important.
  2. Respond to comments and questions on your blog in a timely manner.
  3. Search your archives for your best blog posts and sell them as a collection in an ebook.
  4. Add keywords to your blog posts.
  5. Guest blog on other popular blogs and allow guest bloggers on your blog.
  6. Remember to add an image to your blog post. Images draw readers.
  7. Create an RSS Feed if you don’t already have one, and burn it on
  8. Submit your blog to blog directories related to being an author, your genre, etc.
  9. Blog in themes so you can attract new readers. I’m doing a current series on women of the Bible and I’ve found new readers because of this.
  10. Remember to tweet and Facebook a tease about your blog and add the hyperlink so people can easily read your fantastic blog post.


Cheri Cowell is the author of a new devotional book, 365 Devotions for Peace, released from Zondervan. Her Bible study  Parables and Word Pictures in the AMG Following God Bible study series is a favorite in bookstores everywhere. Her new Bible study One Story, One Mission, One God released last year. Check out her website to learn more

Connect with Cheri Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and you can read her blogs on the second and fourth Saturdays of each month Cheri’s Blog