Help in Times of Trouble
by Kimberly Rose Johnson
I once had a conversation with a friend who was dealing with the death of a loved one. At the same time her career was shooting off into a new and exciting direction. God opened doors she never imagined.
She went on to tell me that her brother was experiencing a similar situation with his career. It was all very exciting, but it was in the midst of their mourning. She told me how her brother couldn’t understand why God always ruined the good stuff with bad stuff and went on to say that it seemed like whenever something good happened, something bad would happen too.
Have you ever experienced this?
I suggested to my friend that God gives us the good stuff to help us through the difficult times.
She was blown away by the thought and excited. To her way of thinking, the bad stuff was there to temper the good.
The Lord knows what we face and how it will affect us. He also knows what gives us joy. I liken it to being a parent or best friend. We see our kids or best friend going through a rough patch and we want to help. We know what will make them happy and try to help them through it with some positive encouragement.
Our Lord loves us more than we are capable of grasping. He wants the best for us. He’s not out to destroy or make us fearful of what will happen next. Yes, bad stuff happens every day. People die, jobs are lost, illness happens, but He wants to help us through those times. He wants to be included in every aspect of our lives.
I encourage you today to remember you are loved by your creator. He wants the best for you.

Kimberly Rose Johnson, Author
Kimberly Rose Johnson, an award-winning author married her college sweetheart and lives in the Pacific Northwest. From a young child Kimberly has been an avid reader. That love of reading fostered a creative mind and led to her passion for writing. She loves romance and writes contemporary romance that warms the heart and feeds the soul. Learn more at:
Kimberly Rose Johnson’s latest release is Direct Threat.
Pick up a copy at your favorite store today.

Direct Threat by Kimberly Rose Johnson
Melissa Henderson
June 1, 2020 - 11 : 55 : 34Amen. God loves us and He wants the best for us. Good times will come. Bad times will come. I am thankful for His love and comfort.