The Caregiving Season: Finding Grace to Care for Your Aging Parent
by Jane Daly
Focus on the Family / Tyndale House Publishers, September 1, 2016
ISBN: 978-1-58997-869-0
Book description:
Caring for elderly parents is challenging. It’s a season of life requiring strength that comes only from God. In The Caregiving Season, Jane Daly openly shares her stories from the front lines of battling built, negotiating new boundaries, and dealing with exhaustion. Her message of grace and hope will help you honor your aging parents well and deepen your personal relationship with Christ along the way.
About the Author:
Jane Daly lives in California with her husband, Mike, just steps away from her 92-year-old mother. A bank vice president, Jane is also the author of Because of Grace and speaks on a variety of topics.
Alanna Radle Rodriguez
September 28, 2016 - 17 : 27 : 25I started taking care of my disabled grandmother at age 22. When I was 26, it went 24/7 care with little to no respite. That went on for 5 1/2 years. She died coming up four years ago. I had about 10 months of “freedom” before I started taking of my parents who are becoming disabled. I did not choose this position. I don’t do well with it mentally. But because I love them I am good at it. I wish I had this book years ago. I was desperate for encouragement.