Tips from the Pros: Carol McAdams Moore

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Merry Christmas from Sarah Sundin in rainy (at last!) California! Today I have the joy of interviewing Carol McAdams Moore, the author of two new devotional books for tween boys and girls. Recently I introduced my fourth- and fifth-grade Sunday school class to the books, and they were a huge hit with kids and teachers alike! Carol, how did you get into writing? How many books do you have published? I began as a teacher of the deaf. Many materials I used in the classroom needed to be rewritten, using specific word choice and sentence structure. I also had to…

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Marketing: Sharing Your Book’s Testimony

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  A note from Carol McAdams Moore Last month, I wrote about Six Tips for Planning a Book Signing.  Today, I want  to share one of the major benefits of a book signing — the opportunity to interact with readers. For Christian authors, among other things this is a chance to share the testimony of your book. The words marketing and testimony may not seem to go together at first. Marketing might be defined as promoting and selling something, in this case a book. We need to consider why a potential reader would consider reading any given book. The story…

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Six Tips for Planning a Book Signing

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A note from Carol McAdams Moore Last month, Karen Whiting completed a three part blog series on creating the marketing section of a proposal. Let’s talk about how to implement a marketing or promotional plan for a book signing. For purposes of this post, let’s consider how to plan a book signing with an independent Christian bookstore. Here are six steps to consider.

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