Hello, Beautiful!

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  I enjoyed crafting magnets with encouraging sayings to give as game prizes at my weight-loss club. But the ones that said “Hello, Beautiful!” sat on the eight-foot table like unadopted pound puppies. What is wrong with these people, Lord? I muttered. Why don’t they like themselves? But when I looked at my own fridge, I noticed the lack of a “Hello, Beautiful!” magnet. I couldn’t take a dose of my own encouragement. Perhaps we’re afraid to come across as arrogant. Or perhaps it’s because our society equates beauty with outward appearance only. Even though God made us in his…

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New Release: Hello, Beautiful! Finally Love Yourself Just as You Are by Jeanette Levellie

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Hello, Beautiful! Finally Love Yourself Just as You Are  By Jeanette Levellie Elk Lake Publishing, Inc. (March 29, 2019) ISBN-13: 978-1950051311   About the book: Hello Beautiful is designed specifically for women who feel the familiar internal pressure to perform without the satisfaction of hearing “Well done.” We find it too easy to think and speak hurtful words about ourselves while building up other’s self-esteem. Hello Beautiful strives to point out those lies, and replace them with the Truth. Learn the secrets of seeing yourself through love’s viewpoint and shake off feelings of inadequacy. Finally find the courage to look in the mirror and say,…

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Reviews of Jeanette Levellie’s, “Hello Beautiful! Finally Love Yourself the Way You Are”

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“Reading Hello, Beautiful!: Finally Love Yourself The Way You Are, is like taking a breath of fresh air in a world that imposes ever increasing, unobtainable standards of beauty. Veteran author, Jeanette Levellie and her co-author, take a tag team approach with their starkly, personal true stories, that astutely correspond with lessons in inner beauty. Their writing voices complement each other seamlessly, like a musical duet, but each stands out in their own way, so even though the stories are not consecutive,  you get an intuitive feel for which author you are reading. This book has all the bells and…

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A Chat with Author Jeanette Levellie

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Good morning! Davalynn Spencer here, laughing out loud in Colorado at Jeanette Levellie’s gift of giggles. Honestly, it’s more like guffaws, and I’m left with the deep sense that this author has taken to heart the old proverb: A merry heart doeth good like a medicine. Welcome, Jeanette. Please tell us about your latest book that clearly has you in stitches. I mean print. Better yet, give us the back-cover copy to The Heart of Humor: Sixty Helpings of Hilarity to Nourish Your Soul (Elk Lake Publishing). Clean laugh-out-loud stories accompanied by comical drawings by a professional animator, humor quotes,…

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10 D’s of Time Management for Writers

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“Nutty with a Dash of Meat” Jeanette Levellie here with some tips to help  you Shock the Clock and gain more writing time: Delight yourself in the Lord  Put God first and He will collaborate with you to help you meet your goals. Do away with fear Progress in baby steps, and ask friends cover you in prayer with each new venture. De-clutter and de-junk Managing clutter is a huge time-eater. Give yourself permission to throw or give away.  Enlist a friend’s help to de-junque.

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How (NOT) to pick an editor

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“Nutty with a Dash of Meat” Jeanette Levellie here with a crazy story of how God saved me from my ditzy method of picking an editor to pitch my book idea to… At my first writers conference since deciding to author a book, I was thrilled for the opportunity to meet with real live editors. I had already worn out the brochure detailing each one’s credentials and what they needed. Not a researcher by nature, I patted myself on the back for all the time I’d taken to pick the editors I knew would fall in love with my book…

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How Five Little Words Can Changed Your Writer’s Heart–and Your Life!

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  “Nutty with A Dash of Meat” Jeanette Levellie here with a secret to how five little words can change your writer’s heart–and your life! In all the years since Debbie left L.A. to move to Denver, I never told her how the five words she taught me changed my life. Two decades flew over us like a streak in the inky sky before I thought to thank her for those five words. When we moved into a beautiful new home, she said them. When my kids received awards, and I had my first paying article published, she spoke them. Even when…

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Package or Present? When I Needed a Kick in The Pants

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“Nutty with a Dash of Meat” Jeanette Levellie here with a fun–but not at the time–story about how the Lord gave me a kick in the pants to help me learn humility. I hope you don’t need this lesson, but just in case . . . Playing the Comparison Game When our family performed a special music program on a Sunday night, the people in the congregation were effusive in their compliments. As I prayed after the concert, I found myself playing the comparison game. “Why can’t our people be like these, Lord? Why did you call us to pastor a…

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NEW RELEASE: AUGUST 2016—Touchable God By Jeanette Levellie

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Touchable God: Finding Friendship with The Lord Through Prayer By Jeanette Levellie Lulu Aug. 9, 2016 ISBN: 978-1365261770   Every Christian longs for an intimate walk with the Lord, easily talking with and hearing from Him. Touchable God helps you find the joy-filled relationship with God you crave. Section I contains 20 stories from Jeanette’s own journey in prayer. Written in her warm, casual style, these glimpses into Jeanette’s unpredictable life will encourage you to believe for the Lord’s intervention in your own life. Section II consists of Jeanette’s bold, often poetic prayers for friends in crisis. These Scripturally based…

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When You Are Too Busy

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“Nutty with A Dash of Meat” Jeanette Levellie here with a chapter from my latest  book, Touchable God: Finding the Lord’s Friendship Through Prayer, which releases next month. It is a combination of prayer-journey stories and prayers for friends in crisis. I thought you might find some strength in the prayer about busy-ness: “Lord, my friend is choking on responsibilities. She is trying to do too much, to be all things to all people. I know this is not Your plan for her. “Because she loves people and fears disappointing them, she says yes more than she says no. Her schedule is crammed…

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