Build a 3-Dimensional Hero Using Core Personalities – Part II

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Historical Post by Gail Gaymer Martin Build a 3-Dimensional Hero Using Core Personalities – Part II In Part 1, I explained Core Personalities and gave you the basic information needed to use these personalities to create fictional heroes and heroines. Today I will go more deeply into the subject of Core Personalities by adding more of the techniques novelists use to create characters. After digesting the personalities of the four core types from Terrance Real’s book How Can I Get Through To You, you can see the opportunities to build some interesting characters and create dynamic conflicts. Consider plotting a…

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Build a 3-D Hero Using Core Personalities – Part I from Gail Gaymer Martin

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Historical Post by Gail Gaymer Martin Build a 3-D Hero Using Core Personalities – Part 1 Today I will talk about using Core Personalities to help create a novel’s hero or main male character. This information can also be used for females, but since most popular authors are females, especially those who write romance which is the largest selling genre, we need to put our feet into a man’s shoes. Whether you write suspense, romance, or adventure, any genre needs 3-D characters. Author Mark Mynheir presented a workshop once on characterization and suggested the use of the Myers Briggs personality…

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Characters and Their Mannerisms

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Good morning on this Friday in autumn. Welcome to the CAN blog on writing from Gail Gaymer Martin  Today I want to talk about another element of creating characterization through using character mannerisms. When you think about people you know, notice what they do with their bodies, hands and facial expressions as well as their stance, stride and actions.  Mixed in with the natural way we move and act, we can always see a few personal mannerisms. These are often related to their person’s attitude or emotional response. Here’s some things to think about. Characters and Their Mannerisms  A man cracks…

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Characterization: Apparel

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Happy Friday, and welcome to the CAN Blog on Writing Fiction from Gail Gaymer Martin. When writing a novel, authors can deepen characterization by adding elements to the novel that sends a signal to readers. These signals allow them to see deeper characterization by observing what a character chooses wear in a given situation. Not only can personality be seen, but often deeper character such as morals or values. Dressing Characters If your heroine comes through the door wearing baggy jeans, a large bulky sweatshirt, and a baseball cap set on her head backwards, what would a reader think? A…

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