Ted Baehr is an award-winning producer, world-renowned author, as well as a noted critic, educator, lecturer, and media pundit.
Founder and Publisher of Movieguide® (aka www.movieguide.org) and Chairman of the Christian Film & Television Commission®, his life’s purpose is to be used of God to redeem the values of the media while educating audiences on how to use discernment in selecting their entertainment.
Books: Ted has written, edited and contributed to over 37 books, including:
- REEL TO REAL: 45 Movie Devotions for Families
- How To Succeed In Hollywood (Without Losing Your Soul) (WorldNetDaily)
- Amazing Grace of Freedom (New Leaf)
- The Culture-Wise Family (Regal)
- Narnia Beckons (Broadman & Holman)
- So You Want To Be In Pictures? (Broadman & Holman)
- Frodo & Harry: Understanding Visual Media and Its Impact on Our Lives (Crossway)
- What Can We Watch Tonight? (Zondervan)
- Faith in God and Generals (Broadman & Holman)
- The Media-Wise Family (Chariot Victor)
- Getting the Word Out (Harper & Row)
- The Christian Family Guide to Movies & Video Vol. I & II (Nelson)
Education: Ted graduated High Distinction in Comparative Literature and as a Rufus Choate Scholar from Dartmouth College, attended Cambridge University, the University of Bordeaux & Toulouse, the University of Munich, Northwestern University: Weinberg College Of Arts & Sciences: Department of English: Graduate Program, and the Film Program at Columbia University’s School of the Arts, graduated with a Juris Doctor from New York University School of Law, finished his theological studies at the Institute of Theology at the Cathedral of St. John the Divine, and received a Doctor of Humanities from Belhaven University.
TV & Film Production: Ted was president of the organization that produced during his tenure The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, Witch and the Wardrobe for CBS-TV in 1980, boasting 37 million viewers and winning an Emmy Award. Baehr also has produced hundreds of programs for PBS television.
CFTVC: Ted is Chairman of the Christian Film & Television Commission®, a non-profit organization dedicated to redeeming the values of the mass media of entertainment by influencing the entertainment industry and by informing and equipping the general public of the impact that the mass media has on its audiences. The CFTVC is the only active liaison between studio executives and the general public for issues of family entertainment and faith.
Movieguide®: Ted is the Publisher of Movieguide®: The Family Guide to Movies and Entertainment. www.movieguide.org offers in-depth analyses of current movies from a biblical perspective. Not only are issues of violence, sex and profanity directly addressed, Movieguide® digs deeply into the moral statements and worldviews of the movies, videos and television programs it reviews. Ted also writes a syndicated column for publications nationwide.
Television Appearances: Ted has been a featured guest on Oprah, Hannity and Colmes, CNN, ABC, Fox News, MSNBC, and Entertainment Tonight. In Dec. 2010, 18,000 talk show hosts, producers, news editors, and support staff voted Ted Baehr among the Top 20 Favorite Radio Guests out of 1150 nominees from sectors ranging from entertainment to politics and science to religion in the Poll for the Top 100 Dream Interview Guests of 2010 conducted by InterviewGuests.com.

Lectures: Ted lectures, teaches and preaches throughout the world. Armed with over 40 years of research on the media and culture, Ted’s lectures have taken him to speak at the European Parliament, the House of Lords of the Parliament of the U.K., the Parliament of Norway, The Gifts Gala, Mumbai, the Bombay Communication Institute, Trinity Torch University, S. Korea, The Rostov Film Festival, Rustov, Russia, International Christian Educators Conference in Suwon, South Korea, Oxford, Yale University, Dartmouth College, the University of Virginia, RSSU – Russian State Social University of Film (the oldest film school in the world), MITRO – Moscow Institute of TV and radio Ostankino (mass media university), House of Journalists, Moscow, VGIK – Pan-Russian State Institute of Cinematography, State Kremlin Palace, U.C.L.A, and keynoted several regional National Day of Prayer Breakfasts. Baehr addresses hundreds of churches, and civic groups each year. Ted has formally debated theology and philosophy with Muslims and other religious and political leaders in many venues such as U. of San Francisco, World Public Forum Dialogue of Civilizations in Rhoades, Greece, and at the International Conference on Peace and Tolerance in Kiev, Ukraine. In 2012, Ted was chosen to keynote the 4th Dean’s Distinguished Lecturer at the Pepperdine University Graduate School of Education and Psychology (GSEP). Several times each year, Ted presides over teaches HOW TO SUCCEED IN HOLLYWOOD (WITHOUT LOSING YOUR SOUL) filmmaking classes and speaks on HOW TO SUCCEED IN HOLLYWOOD (WITHOUT LOSING YOUR SOUL) all over the world. Ted also teaches and lectures on THE CULTURE WISE FAMILY and media wisdom to help families and individuals be equipped and empowered to choose the good, the true and the beautiful. We perfected the Culture-Wise Family curriculum six-part DVD Sunday school curriculum. Moreover, Ted preaches around the world several times a year.
Academic: For several years in the first decade of the 21st Century, Ted was Chairman of the Advisory Board of the Christian Institute for the Study of Media, a new area of graduate academic studies currently being advanced under the auspices of the Center for the Arts, Religion and Education (CARE), an affiliated Center of the Graduate Theological Union (GTU) in Berkeley, California. He was the Director of the Television Center at the City University of New York in the 1970s.
Publications: Ted’s work has been featured in such publications as The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, Time Magazine, USA Today, The L.A. Times, The Washington Post, Hollywood Reporter, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, and U.S. News and World Report.
Events: CTFVC sponsors the Annual MovieGuide® Faith & Values Awards Gala and Report to the Entertainment Industry, which includes the MOVIEGUIDE(r) Awards for the best family movies and for the best movies for mature audiences, the two Epiphany Prizes for the Most Inspiring Movie and Most Inspiring TV Program, the Grace Awards for actors who portray God’s Grace, the Faith & Freedom Awards, the Kairos Prize Contest for Spiritually Uplifting Screenplays by Beginning Screenwriters, and the Kairos Pro Prize Contest for Spiritually Uplifting Screenplays by Established Screenwriters. These cash awards are sponsored by the John Templeton Foundation to honor movies, television programs and scripts that “greatly increase man’s love or understanding of God.”
Website: Ted’s website www.movieguide.org offers movie reviews, feature articles, video reviews, news, blogs, books, tapes, and family-friendly movie merchandise.
Personal: Ted Baehr was born in 1946, the son of Robert Allen and Evelyn Peirce, both successful stage, screen and television actors. Ted is married and has four children.
Offices: MovieGuide®’s offices are located in Camarillo, CA just north of Los Angeles and in Atlanta, Georgia.
“He who controls the media controls the culture” – Ted Baehr.
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