Greetings from Marti Pieper in looking-almost-like-spring Seneca, South Carolina! Today I have the pleasure of introducing another dear author friend to you on the CAN blog. Cheri Cowell, whom I first met through Word Weavers International, is not only a longtime friend but a multi-published author and, for the past several years, a publisher herself. In fact, a number of years ago, I first learned about CAN through some of her posts!
Welcome, Cheri! Please tell us about your book.
Do you ever feel insignificant or unseen? As if what you do or even who you are isn’t quite good enough? If so, this Bible study on the life of Sarah is for you. Becoming His Princess: A Study on the Life of Sarah is a seven-week Bible study with corresponding video on YouTube.
Sounds great! What inspired you to write this book?
I am friends with the director of Wholly Loved Ministries, a ministry devoted to women who were sex-trafficked or abused and runaways. I am one of five contributors to this study.

Becoming His Princess: A Study on the Life of Sarah, by Cheri Cowell
Why did you write this book?
I believe every woman needs to know she is deeply and wholly loved. No one is defined by what they’ve done or what their past includes. The life of Sarah speaks to all of us about the lies we believe and the truths God desires us to know.
I can really identify with that. Now, what surprised you the most during the research or writing of your book?
I do not share the background of the women for whom Wholly Loved was created, but I share many of the same fears, the same lies, and the same hopes and dreams. Sarah was no different than I am.
How has God used the message of your book in your own life?
I am working on losing weight. and as I look at the lies I’ve believed about myself and food, I see how crafty Satan is. He doesn’t want us to have victory in any part of our lives, but the victory is ours because we are His.
Amen! Cheri, what themes do you return to again and again in your writing?
My first book, Direction, was about God’s will, and then I wrote two Bible studies—one was Parables and Word Pictures and the other was One Story, One Mission, One God. I believe God’s Word gives us everything we need to live with peace, joy, and purpose.
Why do you write books that help people dig into God’s Word?
God’s Word is rich. I’ve read and studied the story of Sarah before, but every time I write a new study, God reveals even more than I understood before.
That’s so true. Do you have a “day job” or a previous career? Does it influence what or how you write?
I am the CEO of Living Parables, a 501(c)(3). We publish both traditionally (Living Parables Books) and independently (EABooks Publishing) as well as provide grants for Christian ministries for start-up funding. I am blessed to expand my reach for the kingdom by helping others fulfill their callings.
What are your hobbies or activities or passions outside of writing?
My husband and I are building rental treehouses in the Smokey Mountains of Tennessee: SmokyMountainTreehouseCompany.
I know Tennessee mountain living has been a passion of yours for a while! Tell us about your next project.
Currently I’m the CEO of Living Parables, and our next traditional book release is He Calls Me: A Meditative Coloring Journal. The coloring book combined with a devotional will release this fall.
To learn more about Cheri Cowell, check out Cheri’s website and Cheri’s blog.
For His glory,
Marti Pieper