Greetings from Sarah Sundin in California! Today I have the joy of interviewing Crystal Bowman, author of over 100 books for children! Today she’s sharing about a project that’s quite a bit different for her—and yet completely in line with her heart for families.
Welcome, Crystal, please tell us about your book, Mothers In Waiting—Hope and Healing for Those with Empty Arms.
This book is a collection of 30 stories from women who have experienced infertility, miscarriage, adoption, IVF procedures, and much more. With honest and heart-filled stories, the contributors desire to walk beside those who are on this long and painful journey. It’s like offering a group hug!
What inspired you to write this book?
My daughter-in-law asked me to help her write a book for women facing infertility. She had a 5-year journey that was long and painful. She wanted to give hope to other women and let them know they are not alone.
I love the heart behind this! What is the primary focus of your book?
We have 30 heart-felt stories from a variety of women, who want to walk beside other women who are facing infertility. Each story follows the same format: My Story; My Struggle; My Strength; My Scripture.
What surprised you the most during the research or writing of your book?
The way that God brought women to this project. I had no idea how we were going to find 30 women to contribute their stories, but we really didn’t have to go out and find them. God brought them to us, like he brought the animals to Noah’s ark. They just came!

Mothers in Waiting by Crystal Bowman
That’s wonderful! How do you share Christ in your writing?
Every woman who shared her story was asked to include a Scripture verse that was meaningful to her, and also share how that verse encouraged her during her difficult journey. Every story ends with hope and surrender to God’s plan.
Why do you love writing?
I love writing because it’s what God created me to do. I once heard a seasoned writer say, “You should only write if you can’t not write.” That’s what it’s like for me—I can’t not write. Writing is like breathing—it’s essential to my life.
Most of us CAN authors can identify! Crystal, why do you write this genre?
Mothers In Waiting is far outside of my typical genre. I am known as a children’s author, so this was a stretch for me. But I really felt like God had called my daughter-in-law and me to write this book, so I knew He would equip us.
What is one thing about writing that you wish non-writers knew?
How hard it is! I think many non-writers see writing as a fun, relaxing, sit-in-your-pajamas type of work, but it’s far from that. It’s very hard, but that’s why I love it.
What ministries are you involved in, and why?
I am involved in mentoring ministries. I’m a mentor with MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers), and I also mentor children’s writers. I love teaching, and mentoring allows me to do that. Whether it’s one-on-one, or a small group, I enjoy sharing what I have learned in order to help others learn.
What do you read for pleasure? What are you reading right now?
I enjoy reading books that help me grow spiritually. Right now, I am reading Less Than Perfect by Ann Spangler. It reads like a Bible storybook for adults. Ann’s knowledge of ancient history, laws, and culture allows her to make Bible stories and characters come alive.
Sounds interesting! What are your hobbies or activities or passions outside of writing?
Since writing involves very little physical movement (besides my fingers), I go to the gym several times a week. It gets me out of the house and the classes I attend are very social, so I make a lot of friends. I also love to take walks by myself and pray while I walk. And one last thing—I love spending time with my grandkids! We were blessed with 7 grandkids in 7 years! They keep me busy!
Tell us about your next project.
I just signed a contract with Kregel for a picture book on the topic of dementia. It’s a sweet story of a boy whose grandmother develops dementia and how he learns to cope with the changes.
Love it! I’m sure a lot of families would find that helpful. Thank you for sharing with us, Crystal!
To learn more about Crystal and her books, please visit Crystal’s website and Crystal’s blog.
Writing for Him,
Sarah Sundin