Greetings from Sarah Sundin in California! Today I have the joy of interviewing multi-publishing author and popular speaker Kathy Howard. Kathy’s sharing today about her new devotional book, which sounds amazing!
Welcome, Kathy! Please tell us about your book Deep Rooted: Growing through the Gospel of Mark.
Deep Rooted is a 40-day devotional journey through the life and ministry of Jesus. Its unique format shows readers how to interact with and apply Scripture, not just read it. The meaty, daily devotions use a simple study framework to help readers be transformed by God’s Word, not just informed.
I love the idea of a meaty devotional! What inspired you to write this book?

Deep Rooted by Kathy Howard
I lead a Bible reading group on Facebook that’s been active for several years. It includes thousands of women from all over the world. The format I use there has been encouraging and equipping them to get into the Bible. Seeing how God has used this group inspired me to want to take the same principle to a larger audience.
Why did you write this book?
I want to equip readers with the tools they need to study Scripture for themselves every day. This journey through Mark guides them to use these tools and develop a habit of being in God’s Word.
So important! What surprised you the most during the research or writing of your book?
I’ve read the Gospels many times. I’ve studied Jesus’ life and ministry. But studying it all again and writing the devotions gave me a fresh and deeper experience with Jesus. It was a wonderful time with Him!
What themes do you return to again and again in your writing?
God called me to be a Bible teacher. My writing and ministry on social media are extensions of that call. I want to share biblical truths and principles and help others to study God’s Word for themselves.
Tell us about your funniest moment with a reader.
Don’t know if I could call her a “reader” of mine, but this is a great story. I was doing a book signing for one of my new Bible studies at a LifeWay store. (Yes, it’s been a little while since this happened.) The store set me up at a table right inside the door. There were stacks of books and posters with my face and book cover. A lady came through the door and walked purposefully up to the table. I thought she must have come for the book signing! I smiled and greeted her. Her response? “Can you tell me where the Beth Moore Bible studies are?” Funny, but humbling!
I have a “Why are your books here and not Beth Moore’s?” book-signing story too! The Lord certainly keeps us humble. What ministries are you involved in, and why?
I fell in love with God’s Word through a women’s Bible study when I was a young mom. That fostered my passion for teaching others. I’ve been involved in women’s ministry leadership for decades. I love teaching in my local church and training other Bible study leaders. I also support and participate in missions as much as I can. Sadly, COVID has hindered any mission trips this year.
So many vital things COVID-canceled. But reading isn’t one of them. What do you read for pleasure? What are you reading right now?
I love fiction set during WWII. Right now, I’m reading a novel called The Flight Girls by Noelle Salazar. It focuses on civilian women trained by the army to fly during WWII. I am also reading Adamant by Lisa Bevere and several commentaries on Ezra and Nehemiah for a potential Bible study project.
That sounds fantastic! So what are you working on now? Please tell us about your next project.
Heirloom: Living and Leaving a Legacy of Faith will release in August 2021. This 52-day devotional combines ancestral, historical, and biblical stories of faith with biblical principles for leaving a spiritual legacy and tips for genealogy research.
What a great concept! Thank you for sharing with us today, Kathy!
To learn more about Kathy, her books, and her speaking, please visit Kathy’s website and Kathy’s blog.
Writing for Him,
Sarah Sundin
Teresa A Moyer
January 21, 2021 - 16 : 15 : 03I am loving the Deep Rooted Book and study on FB.