A Chat with Author Deb DeArmond

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Greetings from Sarah Sundin! Today I have the honor of interviewing author, speaker, and relationship expert Deb DeArmond. Deb writes and speaks about family relationships, but her latest book . . . well, honk if you love the concept! Welcome, Deb! Please tell us about your book Bumper Sticker Be-Attitudes. Bumper Sticker Be-Attitudes is a humorous devotional built on the belief there are spiritual principles everywhere we look—if we open our eyes to the truth. From the bumper of the car in front of us to the fortune cookie after the Chow Mein, one-liners meant to entertain often hold a…

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A Chat with Author Jeanette Hanscome

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Greetings from Sarah Sundin in California, where I’m processing the wonderful time I had at the online West Coast Christian Writers Conference last month. I had the absolute joy of serving on the conference leadership team with my good friend Jeanette Hanscome—who is our lovely guest today! A multi-published author in a variety of genres, Jeanette has some exciting news. Welcome, Jeanette! Please tell us about your new project. I just signed a contract to write two novels for Annie’s Fiction as part of their Rose Cottage Book Club series. It’s work-for-hire, and Annie’s created the cast of characters and…

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A Chat with Author Linda Goldfarb

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Welcome Readers. Davalynn Spencer here, pleased to introduce today’s featured author, Linda Goldfarb and her book, LINKED® for Couples: Maximizing Heart Connections One Link at a Time, co-authored with fellow CAN member Linda Gilden. Linda, please give us a quick overview of your book. Hitting #1 across five separate Amazon categories upon release, LINKED® for Couples Quick Guide to Personalities is a communication shovel to help readers dig deep into their relationships, their hearts, how they think, and how they react to situations, both big and small.

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A Chat with CAN President Angela Breidenbach

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February greetings from Marti Pieper, who is grateful to have had both power and water throughout this chilly month! I’m also grateful to reintroduce a familiar face to our CAN readers today. It belongs to our multitalented president, Angela Breidenbach. I first met Angie when we were both teaching at the Greater Philadelphia Christian Writers Conference. I then had the privilege of working closely with her on the CAN newsletter for several years. I know you’ll enjoy learning more about her and her books. Welcome, Angie! I’m so glad you’re with us today. Please tell us about your latest book….

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A Chat with Author Sarah Sundin

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Davalynn Spencer here, pleased to introduce you to our regular host today, Sarah Sundin. It’s her turn for the spotlight, and what a light it is for her new book, When Twilight Breaks. Sarah, tell us a little about this book. Munich, 1938—Evelyn Brand is an American foreign correspondent determined to expose the tyranny in Nazi Germany. After brutality hits close, American graduate student Peter Lang uses his connections in the Nazi Party to feed information to Evelyn, pulling them deeper into danger as the world marches toward war. Your titles are always so intriguing, drawing us into the lives…

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A Chat with Author Carol Grace Stratton

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Greetings from Sarah Sundin in California! Today I have the joy of interviewing a former Californian, now a Michigander—Carol Grace Stratton is one of our newest CAN members and a multi-published author of fiction as well as a nonfiction book for frequent movers. And she has a fun dream career . . . Welcome, Carol! Please tell us about your novel, Deep End of the Lake. Ally has it all: an upcoming wedding, new writing gig, and two great kids. But when life turns upside-down with a rebellious daughter, shaky job, and shakier engagement, she leans on her newfound faith,…

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A Chat with Author Kathy Howard

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Greetings from Sarah Sundin in California! Today I have the joy of interviewing multi-publishing author and popular speaker Kathy Howard. Kathy’s sharing today about her new devotional book, which sounds amazing! Welcome, Kathy! Please tell us about your book Deep Rooted: Growing through the Gospel of Mark. Deep Rooted is a 40-day devotional journey through the life and ministry of Jesus. Its unique format shows readers how to interact with and apply Scripture, not just read it. The meaty, daily devotions use a simple study framework to help readers be transformed by God’s Word, not just informed. I love the…

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A Chat with Author Sarah Hamaker

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Greetings from Colorado, where the sky is bright blue and the temperature low and frosty. Davalynn Spencer here, pleased to introduce you to author Sarah Hamaker and her book, Illusion of Love. Sarah, what’s your tagline for this intriguing title? A suspicious online romance reconnects an agoraphobe and an old friend. Wow – there’s a lot of information and curiosity tied up in that word, agoraphobe. What inspired you to write this book? Believe it or not, Illusion of Love is loosely based on something that happened to a friend of mine. I can’t give any specific details without giving…

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A Chat with Author Dena Dyer

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Happy New Year from Sarah Sundin in California! Today I have the joy of interviewing award-winning author and speaker Dena Dyer. She sings! She acts! She writes! And today she’s chatting about how God works through her writing. Welcome, Dena! Please tell us about your book, Wounded Women of the Bible. My co-author and I studied 20+ wounded women in Scripture, told portions of our testimonies, and collected stories from contemporary women. During the process of writing the book, God once again showed us how practical and real the Bible is and gave us comfort in our own areas of…

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