Marketing: Adding Something Extra

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I love, love, love when the box arrives from the gal who sells me make up. Yes. I love the product, but I also love the little something extra that is included in the box. It is a a little TLC, just for me, generally in the form of a sample. Authors can learn from the gift of make up samples.

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Marketing: Goodreads Giveaways

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Authors with new books are always searching for ways to get the word out. Goodreads offers a simple giveaway program that requires very little, yet it spreads the word to many potential readers who may have been unaware of the author’s newest book or even of the author herself. Listing a Goodreads Giveaway Become a member of Goodreads. It is free and only takes a few minutes to complete the necessary forms online. Choose one for title for each giveaway. Decide how many copies of the title will be given. (The author is responsible for supplying the books and for mailing…

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  Back-to-school is a great time to market books. If you write for adults, you may think this is not true. After all, many families are spending their money on school supplies and new clothes for the kids – right? Here are some ways to market your books during this transition period. Consider Your Audience Children are making a transition into new routines for the school year. Now is a great time for them to start with a new devotional. I posted about that here. Many kids will also be reading books of their choosing for school assignments and free reading…

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A Note from Carol McAdams Moore Have you ever noticed the QR (quick response) codes that come on grocery advertisements? Using a smart phone, the reader can quickly scan the code which takes him to sale information online. The same kind of codes can be valuable marketing tools for authors, retailers, and event planners. Using a smart phone, the reader can quickly scan the code which takes him to the online location of information – such as a website or blog. Recently, I attended a writers conference on a college campus. A staff member from the college taped a paper with…

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A Note from Carol McAdams Moore Today, let’s wrap up a three part series on Pinterest. We began with an overview of Pinterest. Then we talked about the basics of setting up Pinterest boards. Today, let’s talk about keeping your Pinterest boards fresh. Below is a check list to guide the author in doing that. Keep boards that represent your new releases, speaking engagements, and blog posts current. Remember that many people follow Pinterest. Your Pinterest followers may or may not be the ones who are friends on Facebook or who follow you on Twitter. Keeping your most recent online…

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  A Note from Carol McAdams Moore Do you remember the saying that a picture is worth a thousand words? Sometimes that is difficult for authors to embrace. We are used to painting pictures with our words. Using an actual picture to communicate an idea makes us stop and reroute our creative process.  Last month, I posted an introduction to Pinterest here. Today we will look at the basics of setting up an account and creating Pinterest boards.

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  A Note from Carol McAdams Moore Do you remember the saying that a picture is worth a thousand words? Sometimes that is difficult for authors to embrace. We are used to painting pictures with our words. Using an actual picture to communicate an idea makes us stop and reroute our creative process. If you are an author, or an aspiring author, it is important to take that “reroute” to capture the attention of your readers. Why? Pinterest is a growing avenue of social media. The savvy author will have a well-planned presence on Pinterest.

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A Note from Carol We know that coupling a book signing with an event is an effect approach to promotion. Recently, I had the pleasure of doing a book signing at the 6 North Cafe in Ballwin, MO. You may wonder how that would be classified as an event. This breakfast and brunch restaurant has a rich tradition of serving customers great food, amazing coffee, and the opportunity to meet local authors. Kudos to Maria and the folks at 6 North Cafe.

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A Note from Carol Last month, I posted about Seven Benefits of Bookmarks. Today I want to share some additional ideas for using   bookmarks. These ideas are particularly geared to retailers, but some could be used by authors as well.   To many of us, bookstores are like candy shops. There are so many wonderful choices, and it is difficult to see them all. How can a simple bookmark guide a book lover to that perfect book on the shelf? Here are seven ways that might be accomplished.

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Marketing: Seven Benefits of Bookmarks

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A note for you from Author Carol McAdams Moore A bookmark is an effective marketing tool that can be used by authors and retailers alike. When my tween devos came out, the creative people at Zondervan put together some amazing bookmarks. With each of my marketing efforts, I am increasingly more thankful for those bookmarks. Here is a list of seven benefits of bookmarks.

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