Voices in the Night

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By Janet Chester Bly A wounded friend of mine wept. “I prayed very hard my husband wouldn’t leave. Every day and night I prayed. But he left anyway.” What kills hope? Fear or rage will. Guilt and doubt try to. Sin does. Prayer answers of “No” and death of a dream can. Hopelessness has the ability to make us mentally intoxicated—without reason, moderation, or judgment. Our wits become all spur and no rein. We lose confidence that good things will ever happen again when we hit rock-hard bottom. The traumas of this world soil innocence and blind our view of…

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Ways To Help Readers Connect

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Welcome to the Friday CAN post this December from Gail Gaymer Martin at www.gailgaymermartin.com. I always happy to share information for writers on techniques of writing, especially writing fiction. Readers are important so knowing how to help them connect to what you write is important. I hope this post will provide you with techniques and ideas that work. Readers love stories that mean something to them. They may never experience the same event or problem, but they’ve had similar experiences or fears that those things might happen to them. It’s through the emotion authors bring to the characters that makes…

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