Don’t you hate long, silly greetings on voice mail? I do. I want quickly to get to the beep so I can leave a message.
But I was surprised when I called a new friend and heard her beautiful greeting. “I love that sweet greeting,” I said when she returned my call. “It sounds so very positive and upbeat. Not like most that are the same as everyone else. I love how your personality comes through.”
“Who is this?” the person said.
Gulp. I had dialed the wrong number. Lesson learned: listen, listen, really listen—before speaking!
And you know what? Being the smart chica that I try to be, I decided that I’d carry that lesson when I read God’s Word. As I often do, I ring God for a private conversation. I dial the Bible verse. Then check to see if it’s the one I need to hear. And to my surprise, it seldom is.
And because I learned to listen, it often happens that particular verse is one I desperately need to learn. It’s the one God meant for me to hear. It’s the specific one that would change me, change my attitude and even change my circumstance.
How about you? Have you been listening to God lately? I mean really listening? If you have, your heart will sing: “You have made known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand…How sweet are Your words to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth!” (Psalm 16:11, 119: 103).
Father, when I taste the bitterness of life, I shall learn to listen to you, to your voice, your guidance and promise so my life turns sweet with reassurance and joy. In Jesus’ name, amen.
• What voice are you listening to?
• What keeps you from listening to His whisper?
• What change have you seen when His voice speaks louder than the world?

Blindness tried to darken her life. Tragedy tried to defeat her. But instead, Janet Perez Eckles became an international speaker, #1 best-selling author, radio host and personal success coach. Her passion is to help you see the best of life by conquering fear and showing you the secret to personal success.
Marti Pieper
June 26, 2013 - 12 : 46 : 57I love (and hate) this, Janet. So many times I find myself failing to truly listen–to people and to the Lord. Thanks for this sweet reminder!