Make Money as an Author–Really!

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Marketing Ideas From Cheri Cowell Most Christian authors will tell you they are in this to get a message out, to impact the world, and to be faithful to this calling on their life. However, if we are truly honest, we’d also like to make some money. We know we aren’t going to make a ton of money, but if you’ve been in this crazy business for any length of time, you’d probably like to at the least not lose money. Here are a few ideas to help you reach that goal–really! .

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12 Ways to Increase Your Brain Power

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  “Nutty with a Dash of Meat Jeanette Levellie” here. We already know how smart you are, since you’re following the CAN blog! But if you’d like to increase your brain power, I believe you’ll enjoy these 12 fun ways. I discovered  the first 11 on brain specialist Dr. Daniel G. Amen’s blog, and the 12th–a fun method I use to stretch my own brain muscles–is my idea. I have also added some of my thoughts to Dr. Amen’s. 1. Learn something new–an obscure president’s name, a variety of flower, even a little-known verse to a song.

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Editing Tips #53

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Hi! I’m Kathy Ide. In addition to being a published author, I’m a full-time professional freelance editor. For CAN, I’m blogging about tips for writers based on the manuscripts I edit.

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