Greetings from Marti Pieper in rainy and windy South Carolina! My husband and I are still adjusting to our new life here—and right now, we’re missing the warmth of Florida. Today, I want to bring some warmth to our CAN blog by introducing you to author Donna Schlachter. She has some delightful things to share with us about her newest book and more, so let’s get started!
Welcome, Donna! We’re so glad to have you here on the CAN blog. Will you tell us about your book, please?
Becky Campbell’s father is murdered. Zeke Graumann, a local rancher, might lose his land. Can Becky overcome her mistrust of Zeke, find her father’s killer, and turn her mine into a profitable venture? Will Zeke be forced to give up his dream in order to win Becky’s heart?
Intriguing! So what would you say is the primary focus of your book?
The primary focus is solving the mystery so Becky can get on with her life.
What do you hope readers will take away from this book?
That we are never truly alone when God is in our life.

Double Jeopardy by Donna Schlachter
Amen! And what’s your favorite scene in this book?
While it didn’t remain in the final edit, I loved writing the scene where Becky submitted her heart to God. Now I have her come in and tell and her best friend that she’s done that, and Polly’s excitement brings tears to my eyes.
What a privilege to write scenes like this! Will you share more about how you share Christ in your writing?
I like to introduce Him by having the character doubt themselves and wish there was a way they could know for sure, or by putting them in situations where prayer just springs from their lips. As they say, there are no atheists in foxholes.
That’s great. What themes do you return to again and again in your writing?
God is a second, and third, and fourth chance God. It’s never too late. He’s shown that over and over in my life. I must be a slow learner.
I think a lot of us fall into that category. So why do you write mystery?
Because I have a strong sense of justice, and I want everything set right in my world.
What ministries are you involved in, and why?
I am actively involved in my local church, because God said we are to fellowship on a regular basis. I am also actively involved in The Gideons International because Jesus said we are to go and make disciples, and being in this ministry has really challenged me to share my faith.
That’s awesome! What talents do you have aside from storytelling?
I love oil painting, and I’m a great organizer.
I’m sure the organizational skills help your writing too! What do you read for pleasure, and what are you reading right now?
I usually read suspense or mystery, but right now I’m reading Winnie the Pooh on Management. I just finished reading Winnie the Pooh for the first time, so it seemed appropriate. I’m also reading Fossil Forensics, a creationist’s view of the fossil record.
Interesting! Do you have a “day job” or a previous career? Does it influence what or how you write?
I am an accountant by training, and worked in a law firm and an advertising agency as their accountant. I think I love numbers because they never change, while people sometimes do. My cozy mystery series features a forensic accountant.
I love that! Now, please tell us about your next project.
My next project is editing an historical mystery featuring Betsy Rollins, a feisty rancherwoman from Colorado, set in the 1940s.
Thanks so much for sharing with our readers today, Donna. Best to you and your writing always!
To learn more about Donna Schlachter and her writing, check out Donna’s website and Donna’s blog.
For His glory,
Marti Pieper
donna schlachter
January 16, 2020 - 08 : 13 : 59Thanks so much for hosting me today!