Greetings from Sarah Sundin in California! With temperatures soaring above 100 degrees, I’m longing for cool and foggy England. Today’s guest, Linore Burkard might be able to take us all there in her books—if not in reality. Linore writes both Regency romance (set in cool and foggy England—ahh!) and young adult suspense (under the name L.R. Burkard).
Linore, please tell us about your book.
Before the Season Ends is the book that ushered in the genre of Regency Romance to Christian publishing. Now in its second edition, newly edited and with special features, it has a Regency glossary (especially handy for readers new to the era), a fun recipe, and Discussion Questions. Think Jane Austen and Georgette Heyer with a strong twist of faith!
What a great combination! What inspired you to write this book?
I couldn’t get rid of the idea of a Regency gentleman in present-day American society. I went through about a dozen takes on the idea until Forever, Lately, was born. If you’ve seen the film Kate and Leopold, you’ll have an idea of the fun that can be had. But Leopold was a Victorian gent, and I felt that the script missed so many opportunities that I could bring out in a novel. I wanted a swoon-worthy hero and wonderful romance along with the fun and mystique of time-travel. I wanted humor, but also a suspenseful ending, and one that had to be “feel good.” I got to include all of it in this novel.
What is the primary focus of your book?
The takeaway is that what we think we most need to be happy can be the very thing jeopardizing our happiness. When it comes time to choose, do we go for what the heart requires or what the head says is best? Another theme is that goodness has its own rewards.
How do you share Christ in your writing?
My heroines experience God the way I have, which is to say, they pray and receive answers. They trust the voice of the Holy Spirit, no matter how illogical it seems to do so. They live out a Bible-based faith even when it’s unpopular or inexplicable to those around them.
Tell us about your funniest moment with a reader.
One of the best reader responses I got was from a high schooler who told me she’d lent my book to a friend at school. She enthusiastically gushed how the girl read the entire book in one day, during school. I had to laugh at the idea of a girl ignoring her teachers all day long, going from class to class, reading my book instead of paying attention. I wasn’t sure whether I should approve of it, but it sure made me laugh.
How cute! Tell us about your most touching moment with a reader.
When a reader tells me that my book made her re-examine her prayer life and determine to pray more, it feels very touching to me. And, because the book was published in Russian, letters from Russian readers have been incredibly touching, filled with the sweetest gratitude for the Christian elements of the romance or the heroine’s faith–it’s humbling.
Do you have an unfulfilled dream?
I’d love to share my testimony on the 700 Club! At age 17, my world was black. Due to a number of personal setbacks, I didn’t think I’d even graduate from high school. But I responded to a gospel message-by God’s grace—and the Lord changed my life. I not only finished high school with honors, (a year late to make up for the lost year when I stopped going) but moved from home and went to college while living alone and working full-time, earning a magna cum laude degree in English Literature. Later, I became a published author. None of that would have been possible apart from Jesus and His healing work.
Wonderful! What talents do you have aside from storytelling?
I love to cook from scratch, and paint outdoor scenes. Fine art is a life-long love, particularly Impressionism (Monet is my fave, followed by Cassatt), and art in the style of Bougereau.
Tell us about your next project.
I just completed two traditional “clean and sweet” Regencies. One is being shopped by my agent to publishers, and the other I plan on self-publishing and should have out by the end of the year. It’s called Forever, Lately and is a time-travel romance that moves between present-day Maine and Regency London. I recently got a response from a beta reader who wrote, “Can I just say that I’m in love with St. John?” That’s how I hope all readers will feel about the hero of this one!
Sounds like a fun story! Thank you for chatting with us today, Linore.
To learn more about Linore and her books, please visit Linore’s website.
Writing for Him,
Sarah Sundin
Kathleen Rouser
June 14, 2019 - 17 : 25 : 34So nice to learn new things about you, Linore. And Forever, Lately sounds like a fun read. I look forward to reading it!