Did You Hear about This?

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  I didn’t see it with my own eyes but I heard about it. The Israelites faced a desperate circumstance—the Red Sea before them and the Egyptian army behind them. No way out! Then the Lord sent a strong east wind causing the water to pile up like walls making a path, and turning mud into dry ground for that massive throng to cross. When the army pursued, the waters returned to normal flow and swallowed the Egyptians (Exodus 14). I didn’t see it with my own eyes but I heard about it. After the Israelites had wandered in the…

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Let Him Shine

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  Do you ever wish for more time in the day? God can do that––extend your time. He did do it. The Bible says so. “The sun stood still, and the moon stopped, till the nation avenged itself on its enemies” (Joshua 10:13 NIV). God still does miracles today. Maybe the sun won’t stand still, but we can find more time to shine. He can do a miracle in our life so that He shines through us, letting others see His miracles in us. How to make that happen: Realize. What is our spirituality? It is God in us—serving each…

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