Greetings from Sarah Sundin! Today I have the joy of interviewing author, speaker, and parenting educator Lori Wildenberg. Lori’s here to share about her very important new book.
Welcome, Lori! Please tell us about your book Messy Hope: Help Your Child Overcome Anxiety, Depression, or Suicidal Ideation.

Some experts say depression and anxiety are the new normal. We cannot accept this. Messy Hope, written by Parent-Family Educator, Lori Wildenberg, comes from a mother’s heart. Its practical strategies are spot on for helping someone suffering from anxiety or depression. It is endorsed by mental health experts, educators, pastors and parents.
What a crucial topic! What inspired you to write this book?
My daughter suffered from depression, as many young people do. I have learned a lot from her as to what is helpful and what is not. She and I both want to help families who have a similar struggle.
That’s fantastic. What surprised you the most during the research or writing of your book?
It is hard to believe that mental health experts are calling the epidemic of anxiety and depression the new normal. We were not created to live like this. We can battle against this, and help our kids fight for their happiness.
What do you hope readers will take away from this book?
I pray readers will be encouraged to apply the helpful strategies found in Messy Hope so they can cultivate hope in their children.
What was your greatest challenge in writing this book?
Fear was my greatest obstacle. I was afraid that by doing this project, it would stir up those dark feelings in my daughter. But God was good. Instead, it was a healing endeavor.
I’m so glad! What themes do you return to again and again in your writing?
I am passionate about building connections that last a lifetime; an interdependence among family members and a dependence on God.
What is one thing about writing that you wish non-writers knew?
Like me, many writers are private people, yet God beckons us to share deep and hard things in order to help someone else. This is a personal struggle. But, once I have honored His call, He allows me to see the fruit of that obedience and how my words or my story has blessed, inspired, or equipped another parent. Then I know it is not only OK, it is good.
So true! Do you have pets and do they inspire your writing or hinder it?
My goldendoodle Toby (his name means God is good) is my writing companion. He sits right next to me as I pluck away on my keyboard. He also reminds me that taking a break and going for a daily walk is important. Because of him, I can push away from my desk, get outside and go for that W.A.L.K.
Yes! My dog and his walks are a vital part of my day too! What’s your favorite bookstore—and why?
I love Mardel! Mardel has it all: books, the gifts, cards, the home decor, clothing, and the educational supplies. Plus, the staff is so friendly and helpful.
I’ve heard such good things about Mardel—I wish they’d come to California. So what’s next for you, Lori? Tell us about your next project.
Ideas for my next project are spinning in my head. I am in a waiting space—waiting for God’s direction. For now, I want to get Messy Hope into the hands of parents so they can help their kids find help, hope, and healing.
I’m sure the Lord will bring you a lovely project idea in His time! Thank you for sharing with us, Lori!
To learn more about Lori and her books, please visit Lori’s website and Lori’s blog.
Writing for Him,
Sarah Sundin