A Labor of Love

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Dianne Neal Matthews with an encouraging word for the second Monday of the month. Ever since I attended my first conference, I’ve heard people compare writing a book to giving birth. The more I write, the more I see how appropriate that analogy can be.

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Encouragement from Daniel

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Sherry Kyle here, writing from central California with some encouraging words straight from Scripture.  Are you worried about something? Upset? Do you feel helpless? Daniel felt all these emotions when he saw visions of the future. See Daniel 7-10. Just like Daniel, we can feel afraid when we think about our future. Maybe you’re waiting for your next book contract and are starting to doubt if it will ever happen. Maybe you have a looming deadline and fear you won’t be able to complete your manuscript on time. Or maybe you’re so overwhelmed with life that you don’t have time…

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Writing for an Audience of One

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Hi, Dan Walsh here in Daytona Beach with, hopefully, some fresh encouragement for Christian writers. I’d like to offer a reminder that there is One who sees all we do and all that we write, and this One has a different way of measuring its value. I remember a worship song a few years back titled, “Audience of One.” I loved it immediately because it reminded me of what Jesus said was the first and greatest commandment.

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Ready for Whatever

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Hello from Jeanette. This time next week I’m be on my way to the Mount Hermon Christian Writer’s Conference. I am taking a big step this year. For the first time ever, I am not pre-submitting any manuscripts or packing proposals to pitch. I am literally just going to learn and seek God’s direction. The other night, the idea of doing this felt scary. It seemed irresponsible in a way. Now, however, I see my choice as very responsible, because I am doing what God has been nudging me to do.

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Pay It Forward

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Hi, all. Ava Pennington here again! Once upon a time I was the Vice President of Human Resources for an international insurance company. The corporate rat race consumed all my energies. Writing for publication was a vague dream that belonged to another life – a life far removed from my reality.  

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Roller Coaster Expectations

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Hi, Dan Walsh here, writing from Daytona Beach. As I look back on my “journey to publication” and the journey I’ve been on since, I’ve been reflecting lately on the topic of expectations. Specifically, their tendency to be out of sync with real life. It doesn’t just happen occasionally. I almost never get them right. And when life doesn’t line up, add up, or live up to my expectations, my heart falls into discouragement.

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Happy New Year from Jeanette. Yes, it has been awhile since you heard from me. A lot happened at once and some things got set aside. Today I started to wonder though, if commitments like blogging got neglected because I was overwhelmed by circumstances that were far more important, or because I let them consume me. Maybe it was a little of both. Sometimes it’s hard to tell isn’t it?

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Write Anyway!

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Hey, this is Sherry Kyle writing from my laptop on my kitchen table as I drink my morning coffee.  As I pondered what to write, I glanced at my mug and was struck by how two little words could have so much impact. Write Anyway!  Yes, that is the slogan printed across my cup. There are so many distractions keeping us from placing our fingers on the keyboard—family responsibilities, chores, friendships, etc. I’m sure your list is as long as mine. Sheesh! How can we get that manuscript complete with so many things pulling us in different directions?

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